Jaspers Utila Animal Shelter


Jasper’s Utila Animal Shelter greatly depends on volunteers for the daily functioning of the shelter and make an incredible difference in the well-being to the animals. We have volunteers that live on the island, who help with feeding, medicating, walking and training of our animals.

We also have international volunteers that reside in our dorm free of charge. In exchange, they help with any job the shelter has daily. If you are interested in volunteering with us, send us a message at the shelter Facebook page.

Volunteers at Jasper’s truly are the backbone of our facility and aid our staff in daily operations. Whether you are more interested in helping with our canine or feline friends (or both!) we have plenty of things for you to help with!

Volunteer at Jasper's today!

Your time with these guys means so much to them.

“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.”

- Winston Churchhill

Volunteers at Jaspers
will get a full shelter experience including,
but not limited to:

Volunteer at Jasper’s Utila Animal Shelter.
The animals on the island greatly depend on volunteers
for the daily function of the shelter.